Đề thi chọn HSG tỉnh môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Bảng A - Năm học 2006-2007 - Sở GD&ĐT Nghệ An (Có đáp án)

Đề thi chọn HSG tỉnh môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 - Bảng A - Năm học 2006-2007 - Sở GD&ĐT Nghệ An (Có đáp án)

Originator of the Montessori method of education for preschool children, Maria Montessori, was the first woman to receive a medical degree in Italy. After receiving her degree in 1894, she worked with subnormal children as a psychiatrist at the University of Rome. It was there that she pioneered in the instruction of retarded children, especially through the use of an environment rich in manipulative materials. The success of Maria’s program with retarded children led her to believe that the same improvements could be made in the education of normal preschool children.

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së GD&§T NghÖ an 	 
	kú thi häc sinh giái tØnh líp 12
§Ò chÝnh thøc
	 n¨m häc 2006-2007
 M«n thi : TiÕng anh - b¶ng A
 Thêi gian : 150 phót ( kh«ng kÓ thêi gian giao ®Ò )
Section A - phonetics
I. Ident×y the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the three ones in each group.
1.	A. valentine	B. machine	C. magazine	D. discipline
2.	A. never	B. sever 	C. fever	D. clever
3.	A. hockey	B. grey	C. they	D. survey
4.	A. sure	B. settle	C. ceiling	D. seat
5.	A. noodle	B. mood	C. blood	D. hoof
II. Identify the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others in each group. 
6. 	A. irregular	B. athlete	C. investigate	D. delicious
7.	A. drama	B. comedy	C. around	D. music
8.	A. grammar	B. grammatical	C. condition	D. relax
9. 	A. position	B. develop 	C. audience	D. replace
10.	A. recommend	B. position	C. museum	D. commitment
Section B - Vocabulary and grammar
I. Choose the best answers from A, B, C or D to complete each sentence.
11. We must _______ our pounds for dollars before going to New York.
	A. change	B. convert	C. turn	D. exchange
12. Please call the doctor if the victim is _______ hurt.
	A. bad	B. serious	C. badly	D. got
13. Although they are identical twins, I can easily _______ between them.
	A. identify	B. differ	C. distinguish	D. select
14. Low interest rates _______ people from lending money.
	A. encourage	B. discourage	C. agree	D. disagree
15. If your dog damages your neighbour's property, you could be ______.
	A. guilty	B. liable	C. payable	D. illegal
16. He went to London hoping to find a teaching _______ without too much difficulty.
	A. work	B. occupation	C. employment	D. post
17. The opening _______ of the play took place in an army camp.
	A. stage	B. scene	C. sight	D. piece 
18. After the accident, the injured cyclist was in great ______ .
	A. agony	B. suffering 	C. hurt	D. pain
19. The cottages in the village were very _______ so I took a lot of photographs of them.
	A. attracted	B. stunning	C. good-looking	D. pretty
20. Olympiakos _______ 0 - 0 with Real Madrid in the first leg of the semi-final in Athens.
	A. drew	B. equalled	C. equalised	D. shared
21. Charles could not ______ having been at the scene of the crime.
	A. refuse	B. object 	C. deny	D. alter
22. I'm very well _______ with the problems encountered in starting a business.
	A. aware	B. acquainted	C. informed	D. knowledgeable
23. He is ______ intelligent than his sister.
	A. much fewer	B. much less	C. lesser	D. not
24. Hadn't it been for his friend's advice, he ______.
	A. would have failed	B. failed	C. would fail	D. had failed
25. _______ you try harder, you will never catch up with the other people.
	A. Even though	B. However	C. Whatever	D. Whenever
26. I was very tired. ______ , I determined to take a walk on to the next village.
	A. Therefore	B. However	 	C. Consequently	D. As a result of that
27. Students _______ on campus are close to their classroom and the library.
	A. living	B. who lived 	C. who living	D. live
28. Once upon a time there _______ three brothers in a cottage in the forest.
	A. live	B. lived 	C. was	D. had
29. Driving a car with faulty brakes is ______ quite a risk.
	A. putting	B. setting	C. taking	D. being
30. This song wasn't very popular when it was first recorded, but now it's starting to _______.
	A. go on 	B. keep on	C. stay on 	D. catch on
II. Identify the mistakes marked by A, B, C or D.
31. Ernest Hemingway was well known for his simply language and lively dialogues.
	A B C 	 D
32. The headmaster, together with the teaching staff, are away on holiday.
 A 	B 	 C D
33. The One Pillar Pagoda, that was built in 1049 in Ly Thai Tong dynasty, is in the capital.
 A 	 B 	 C 	 D
34. It was my grandmother who encouraged me much than anyone.
 A 	 B 	 	 C 	 D
35. Many ships discharge their waste materials and unwanting engine oil into the sea.
 A	 B 	 C 	 D 
36. Good scientists always cooperate with each other no matter how their nationalities are.
	 A 	 B 	 C 	 D
37. The president refuses to accept either of the four proposals made by the contractors.
	 A 	 B	 C D
38. It is extremely important for an engineer to know to use a computer.
 	 A	 B 	 C 	 D
39. Almost poetry is more enjoyable when it is read aloud.
 A 	 B 	 C	 D
40. Although the medicine tastes badly, it seems to help my condition.
	 A 	 B 	C 	D
I. Read the following passage, then choose the best answer.
Originator of the Montessori method of education for preschool children, Maria Montessori, was the first woman to receive a medical degree in Italy. After receiving her degree in 1894, she worked with subnormal children as a psychiatrist at the University of Rome. It was there that she pioneered in the instruction of retarded children, especially through the use of an environment rich in manipulative materials. The success of Maria’s program with retarded children led her to believe that the same improvements could be made in the education of normal preschool children.
This led her to open the first day care center in Rome. With its success similar institutions were opened in other parts of the United States.
In the early part of the 20th century, however, interest in the Montessori method declined because of those who argued that education should be more disciplined. But by the late 1950s the Montessori method experienced a renaissance, and in the 1960s the American Montessori Society was formed. The chief components of the Montessori method are self-motivation and auto-education. Followers of the method believe that a child will learn naturally if put in an environment with the proper materials. The teacher acts as an observer and only interferes if help is needed. Educators in this system are trying to reverse the traditional system of an active teacher and passive class.
41.The best title for this passage is 
	A. Self-Motivation.	B. The Montessori Method.
	C. Educating Subnormal Children.	D. A New System of Education.
42. In 1894 Maria Montessori
	A. opened a new day care center.	B. worked as a psychiatrist.
	C. taught normal preschool children.	D. disciplined retarded children.
43. The author implies that Maria Montessori believes 
	A. children need strong discipline.
	B. it is important that teachers instruct children clearly.
	C. teachers should be very active.
	D. children will learn by themselves.
44. With which phrase could the words rich in be best replaced?
	A. Having an abundant supply of.	B. With a number of expensive.
	C. Containing deep and strong.	D. That amuses children with.
45.The author implies that in this method of education, the most important things are
	A. teachers.	B. rules.
	C. materials.	D. observers.
II. Choose the best answer from A, B, C or D to fill in the gaps in the following passage.
I was with Overseas Volunteers (OV) for a year after leaving university, and I was sent to an isolated village in Chad, about 500 km from the capital N'Djamena. Coming from a __46__ country, I got quite a shock, as conditions were much harder than I had __47__. But after a few days I soon got used to __48__ there. The people were always very friendly and helpful, and soon I began to appreciate how __49__ the countryside was.
One of my jobs was to supply the village with water. The well was a long walk away. And the women used to __50__ a long time every day __51__ heavy pots backwards and forwards. So I contacted organization and arranged to __52__ some pipes delivered. We built a simple pipeline and a pump, and it worked first time. It wasn't perfect - there were a few __53__, but it made a great difference to the villagers, __54__ had never had running water before. And not __55__ did we have running water, but in the evening it was hot, because the pipe had been __56__ in the sun all day.
All in all, I think my time with OV was a good experience. Although it was not well-paid, it was well __57__ doing, and I would recommend it to anyone who was __58__ working for a charity.
Finally, there's one more reason why I'll never __59__ working for OV. A few months before I left, I met and fell in love __60__ another volunteer, and we got married when we returned to England.
46.	A. rich	 	B. comfortable	 	C. well-paid	D. luxurious
47. 	A. felt	 	B. planned	 	C. found	D. expected
48. 	A. live	 	B. lived	 	C. living	D. lives
49. 	A. beautiful	 	B. good-looking	 	C. handsome	D. sweet
50. 	A. spend	B. spent	C. spends	 	D. spending
51. 	A. fetching	B. wearing 	C. carrying	 	D. holding
52. 	A. make	 	B. let	 	C. have	 	D. allow
53. 	A. breaks	 	B. leaks	 	C. splits	 	D. punctures
54. 	A. which	B. that 	C. they	D. who
55. 	A. hardly	B. scarcely	 	C. only	 	D. also
56. 	A. lied	 	B. lay	 	C. laying	D. lying
57. 	A. worth	 	B. value	 	C. cost	D. price
58. 	A. considering	 	B. thinking	 	C. going	D. planning
59. 	A. regret	B. feel sorry	 	C. miss	 	D. lose
60. 	A. at 	 	B. to	 	C. for 	D. with	
III. Fill each blank with one suitable word.
It is __61__ difficult for me to guess why I developed a love of cats in my life. Cats will let us love them, in fact, __62__ plainly wish us to, but they will not love us __63__ return, though many of us persuade ourselves that they do. On the other hand, they do not pretend to return our feelings, __64__ do they make promises that they cannot or will not keep.
I never saw my cat Tim hurry __65__ when he was catching mice, though long before he died, he had given up __66__ to do so. It was not that he was a lazy cat; I think he had __67__ to the conclusion that the mice had just as much right as he had, and __68__ they were not his enemies and he would have disliked eating one, he could see no __69__ in stretching out a soft paw to bring it down on a struggling back. 
He was proud but gentle; I remember as a child putting my finger to his mouth to feel his warm breath, and despite the __70__ that he normally avoided showing affection, he licked my finger slowly, so that I felt for the first time that curious roughness that all cats' tongues have.
Section D - writing
I. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence.
71. It was only when I got home that I realized I 'd forgotten my bag. 
	Not until ................................................................... .
72. She is proud of being such a good singer.
	She prides ........................................................ .
73. She was reading a book when I came in.
	The moment ....................................................... .
74. I hate the lie and dishonesty.
	What ........................................... .
75. You can't solve it by yourself although you are very intelligent.
	Intelligent ............................................................ .
76. I wasn't surprised to hear that Peter had failed his driving test.
	It came as ...................................................................... .
77. If he had not helped me, I would not have finished the homework
	But for ..................................................................... .
78. "Please, don't drive so fast" Ann begged her boyfriend.
	Ann pleaded ................................................ .
79. I would prefer you to do computer science. 
	I'd rather ........................................ .
80. It is said that there is plenty of oil off our coast.
	There is ............................................ .
II. Composition.
	People say: "Good health is more important than money for a happy life". 
	Write an essay (about 120-150 words) expressing your point of view.

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