Giáo án English 12: Lesson plan 4: conservation

Giáo án English 12: Lesson plan 4: conservation

[A]: AIMS :

 1.Educational Themes:

 -The lesson focuses on some urgent measures to conserve natural environment.

 -The lesson also aims at giving students the love for nature.

 2.Traing Skills:

 -The students are trained to develop their reading and writing skills.


 -The Gerunds

 -The Infinitives

 -Noun Formation


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[A]: AIMS :
	1.Educational Themes:
	-The lesson focuses on some urgent measures to conserve natural environment.
	-The lesson also aims at giving students the love for nature.
	2.Traing Skills:
	-The students are trained to develop their reading and writing skills.
	-The Gerunds
	-The Infinitives
	-Noun Formation
	-Communicative Approach combined with Grammar Translation.
1.Checking Attendance.
	2.Oral Check-up.
	3.Presentaion of a new lesson:
1/*conserve [k¶n’sЗ:v]= prevent smth from being destroyed or lost.(bảo tồn)
 àconservation (n)
2/*safeguard[‘seifga:d](v) = protect
3/*preserve [pri’zЗ:v](v) = keep safe or free from.(bảo quản, giữ gìn)
 àpreservation [prezЗ:’vei∫n] (n)
 àpreserve (n) = place where wildlife is preserved.
4/*natural resources : tài nguyên thiên nhiên.
 -Japan is a very rich country though it is not rich in natural resources.
5/*wildlife [‘waildlaif](n) = animals living in natural conditions.(thú hoang dã)
6/*prevent [pri’vent](v) : ngăn cản
 àprevent smth :ngăn cản việc gì
 àprevent smth happening: ngăn việc gì khỏi xãy ra.
 àprevent smb from doing smth: ngăn ai không làm việc gì.
 àprevention (n)
7/*soil [soil] : đất trồng
8/*waste [weist] (n) :sự lãng phí
 -a waste of time: lãng phí thời gian
 -a waste of money: lãng phí tiền bạc
 àwasteful (adj) =/= economical
 àwaste (v) =/= save
9/*environment [in’vai¶r¶m¶nt] (n) = natural conditions (môi trường)
10/*pollute [p¶‘lju:t] = make dirty, dirty
 àpolluted (adj) = dirty
 àpollution (n)
11/*poison [‘poizn] (v) :làm nhiểm độc
 -He was poisoned to death.
 àpoisonous (adj): a poisonous snake
 àpoison (n):thuốc độc
12/*be concerned with : có liên quan đến
 -The industrial development is concerned with air pollution.
13/*reclaim [ri’kleim](v) = make land suitable for cultivation (cải tạo đất)
14/*irrigate [‘irigeit](v) = supply water through pipes or streams (dẫn nước)
 àirrigation (n) / irrigational (adj)
15/*drain [drein] (v) = cause to flow away (làm thóat đi, rút đi)
 àdrainage (n)
16/*swamp [swomp](n) = marsh(đầm lầy)
17/*push back : đẩy lùi
18/*rotation [rou’tei n] (n): sự luân phiên, quay vòng
19/*replace [ri’pleis](v) = take the place of (thay thế)
 àreplacement (n)
20/*enrich (v) = make rich
21/*fertilizer [‘fЗ:tilaiz¶](n): phân bón
22/*erode [i’roud]= wear away gradually (sói mòn)
 àerosion (n)
23/*plough [plau ]= plow (cày xới)
24/*contour [‘kontu¶]: đường viền quanh
25/*shrub [∫rËb](n) = bush (bụi cây)
26/*bind, bound, bound(v) = fasten (bám
 [baind][baund] lấy,bám chặt)
27/*loose [lu:s] (adj) =/= tight
 àloose soil : đất tơi
28/*retain [ri’tein] (v) = keep (giử lại)
29/*timber [‘timb¶](n) = wood (gỗ mộc)
30/*mature [m¶‘tju:¶](adj) = fully grown
 =/= immature
 àpremature : trưởng thành trước tuổi
31/*pass a law : thông qua một đạo luật
32/*restrict [ri’strikt] = limit (hạn chế)
33/*threaten [‘θretn(v):đe dọa, hăm dọa
34/*forbid , forbade, forbidden (v)= ban
 [f¶‘bid][f¶‘bỉd] [f¶‘bidn] (ngăn cấm)
 -She has forbidden her children to ride their bikes to school.
 -His parents banned him from making friends with them.
35/*fuel [‘fju:¶l](n) : nhiên liệu (như :gas (khí), petroleum(xăng, dầu), coal(than)
 àraw material : nguyên liệu thô (như : copper(đồng), iron(sắt) , lead(chì)
 àsoft fuel : nhiên liệu nhẹ dễ cháy
 àheavy fuel : nhiên liệu nặng
 àalternative fuel : nhiên liệu thay thế
36/*fog (n) : sương mù
 à “pea soup” fog :sương mù dầy đặc
 àfoggy (adj)
37/*fume [fju:m] (n) = smoke (khói)
38/*exhaust [ig’zo:st] (n) = khí thải
39/*wipe out = destroy completely (loại trừ)
 -Smoke should be wiped out from the city centre by effective laws.
40/*recycle [ri’saikl](v) = put back into use (tái sinh, tái chế)
 -Recycling paper is necessary to save wood-pulp.
41/*metal [‘metl] (n) :kim loại
42/*discard [dis’ka:d] (v) = throw away
43/*can (n) = tin (hộp thiếc)
 -a can of fish : hộp cá
 -a can of beer : lon bia
 -a discarded can : lon vứt đi
44/*chiefly (adv) = mainly (chủ yếu)
45/*immense [i’mens](adj)= vast (bao la)
 àimmense quantity : số lượng rất lớn
46/*search for (v) = look for (tìm kiếm)
47/*energy [‘en¶dzi] (n) = power (năng lượng)
 -solar energy : năng lượng mặt trời
 -wind energy : năng lượng gió
 -wave energy : năng lượng sóng
 -nuclear energy : năng lượng hạt nhân
 -tidal energy : năng lượng thuỷ triều
 -hydro-electric energy : năng lượng thuỷ điện.
48/*clear (v) = make clear (làm quang đãng)
49/*fight [fait](n) = struggle (cuộc đấu tranh)
 àfight , fought , fought (v)
50/*mineral (n):khoáng sản, nước khoáng
51/*use up : dùng hết
52/*run off : chảy mất
(1)The Gerunds:
	Danh động từ có cấu trúc giống như hiện tại phân từ ( tức là động từ thêm ING): talking, learning, cutting, lying
	Danh động từ, như tên gọi, là động từ dùng như danh từ. Danh động từ chủ yếu đứng ở vị trí, và thực hiện chức năng, của một danh từ trong câu.Nó thường được:
	1/ Dùng làm chủ từ :(subject)
	-Swimming is good for our health.
	-Being friendly will bring you friends.
	2/ Dùng làm túc từ cho động từ :(object of a verb)
	-These boys like swimming.
	-My brother practises speaking English every day.
	3/ Dùng làm bổ ngữ cho chủ từ : (subject complement)
	-My hobby is swimming.
	-Seeing is believing.
	4/ Dùng làm túc từ cho giới từ : (object of a preposition)
	-He is fond of swimming.
	-She is interested in learning English.
5/ Dùng trong câu ngăn cấm ngắn (short prohibition) hoặc để thành lập danh từ kép (compound noun)
	-No smoking.
	-No talking, please.
	-Swimming pool.
	-Dining room.
	-Washing machine.
	6/ Dùng sau tính từ sở hữu:
	-Please forgive my coming late.
	-His driving carelessly often causes accidents.
	7/ Dùng sau một số động từ và một số cách diễn đạt nhất định như : admit, advise, avoid, consider, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, finish, hate, keep, like, mind, practise, postpone, quit, risk, suggest, can’t help, can’t bear, can’t stand, be worth, be busy, it’s no use, there’s no
	-We enjoy listening to music.
	-I can’t help laughing when she makes jokes.
(2)The Infinitives:
	Động từ nguyên mẫu thường có giới từ to đứng trước ( to do, to learn, to help, to advise) và được dùng trong những trường hợp sau:
	1/ Làm chủ từ(subject), túc từ (object) hoặc bổ ngữ (complement) trong câu:
	-To conceal the truth from her was foolish.
	-He wanted to become a spaceman.
	-What he asked for is to be left alone.
	2/Làm tính từ bổ nghĩa cho danh từ:
	-He was the first man to leave the room.
	-English is an important language to master.
	3/ Làm trạng từ diễn tả các nội dung sau:
	*Mục đích của hành động.
	-He went to the station to meet her.
	-He bought a dictionary to study English.
	*Kết quả, hậu quả.(sau TOO +Adj/ Adv)
	-She is too tired to go for a walk.
	-The box was too heavy for her to carry.
	*Hiệu quả.(sau Adj/ Adv + ENOUGH)
	-I’m strong enough to carry that heavy box.
	-He isn’t rich enough to travel everywhere by taxi.
	4/ Dùng sau một số động từ nhất định như : afford, agree, arrange, decide, demand, expect, fail, hope, intend, learn, manage, need, offer, plan, pretend, promise,refuse, threaten, want, wish, would like
	-They promised to come back soon.
	-He can’t afford to take a taxi.
	và dùng sau một số động từ có túc từ (verb + obj + to inf) như: advise, allow, ask, beg, encourage, expect, forbid, force, help, invite, order, permit, persuade, prefer, remind, teach, tell, want, warn
	-They don’t allow us to smoke in the office.
	-I taught myself to play the guitar.
(3)Noun Formation: 
Noun derived from verbs can have the following suffixes:
	* -tion / -ation 	:conservation; preservation; prevention
	* -ment	:development, movement, achievement
	* -er / -or	:fertilizer; actor; teacher
	* -ing	:poisoning; dirtying
	* -age	:drainage, carriage, breakage
	* -o-	:safeguard, love; desire
What is conservation?
What three things make up conservation?
How can people reclaim land?
How can farmers protect their land?
Why are trees and shrubs needed to preserve land?
What happens if all the trees in a regions are cut?
Why have many countries restricted hunting and fishing?
What is a chief problem for large cities?
What is conservation also concerned with?
àa/Conservation is the safeguarding and preservation of natural resources.
 b/The prevention of wastes, the fight against pollution of our environment, and the reclaiming of land
 c/by irrigating deserts, draining swamps or pushing back the sea.
 d/by yearly rotation of crops.
 e/because their roots bind the soil and retain water.
 f/the soil can easily become loose and blow away.
 g/to protect wildlife.
 h/Dirty air is a chief problem for large cities.
 i/Conservation is also concerned with searching for alternative fuels such as the solar energy.
	5.Home Assignments:
	-Exercises on page 58-59-60-61-62
	-Some more exercises
A/Indicate the function of gerunds in each sentence.
	1/Preserving natural resources is of great important.(..subject)
	2/We avoid polluting our environment.(..)
	3/Seeing is believing.()
	4/We talked about going to the countryside for a picnic.(.)
	5/My father started working in a steel mill at 15.(.)
	6/My hobby is collecting stamps.(..)
	7/She’s scared of living on her own in a big city.(.)
	8/Smoking is not allowed in this auditorium.(.)
	9/We are very interested in learning English.(.)
	10/Please forgive my coming late.()
	11/I can’t help laughing when she makes jokes.()
B/Supply the correct preposition and the gerund form of the verbs in parentheses.
	1/Mary is fond.. .(swim).
	-Mary is fond of swimming.
	2/John insisted. ..(buy) a new car.
	3/He needs more pracice.. .(speak) English.
	4/She is afraid.. .(fail) in an examination.
	5/Tom is not interested .(learn) French.
	6/Thank you ..(help) me.
	7/We are looking forward.. ..(see) you.
	8/He is very good . .(play) tennis.
	9/I have no objection  (carry) out the plan.
	10/Jim was tired  ..(wait) for us.
	11/We are thinking . ..(study) French.
C/Put the verbs in parenthese in their correct form.(gerund or infinitive)
	1/I wish (see) to see. the manager.
	2/I’d like him(start)..(take) more English lessons.
	3/I hate(get).up early and (dress)in the dark.
	4/I have no intention of(go).to the play.
	5/She was the last student (leave).. the room.
	6/I arranged(meet)..them later.
	7/Our teacher has promised (help).us(prepare).for the exam.
	8/The movie is worth(see).
	9/I’d like (have).. an opportunity of (meet).again.
	10/I had to ask the boys (stop).(play)
	11/Would you mind(close)..the door?
D/Supply the correct verb form.
	1/I hope(have).. a job.
	2/Try (make)..(make)him angry.
	3/He is thinking of(quit).his job.
	4/Please let me(know). your decision.
	5/It’s no use(wait)..
	6/Gravity makes water(run)downhill.
	7/Gravity keeps the moon(travel)around the earth instead of (shoot).. off into space.
	8/It’s difficult (get)used to (eat)with chopsticks.
	9/Stop (argue)and start(work).
	10/I used (swim)in the river .
	11/He warned her(not touch).the wire.
	12/Do you feel like(go).to a film or would you rather(stay) home?
	13/He is too busy(take) of her.
	14/He is very busy (take) of her.
	15/It takes me hours(write)..the letter.
	16/He gave up (smoke).years ago.
	17/(look)at me and answer my question.
	18/He told me(try)..(come).early.
	19/Is there anything worth(buy)..?
	20/Sad movies always make me (cry)
E/Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
	1/Put the cigarette out.You are not here.(smoke)
	2/It’s hot in here.Would you mind.the windows?(open)
	3/He found the work difficult, he managed.the examination.(pass)
	4/I never read Shakespeare now because they made me it at school.(study)
	5/She always travels by train or by boat because she’s afraid of.(fly)
	6/ “Let’s go out tonight”-“All right.Where do you want.?(go)
	7/You’re overweight.You ought..more exercise.(take)
	8/This is a very beautiful village, but there’s the evening.(go)
	9/When I first visited Britain, I couldn’t get used..on the left.(drive)
	10/There’s a lot of traffic.We’d better not.the road here.(cross)
	11/I don’t know why she resigned.She seemed..very happy here.(be)
	12/I’m tired of..television every evening.(watch)
	13/Her doctor advised hera specialist.(see)
	14/I’ll help you.I’m sure you aren’t strong on your own.(lift)
	15/He spends all his timecomic books.(read)
	16/My parents are very strict.They wouldn’t let me.out late in the evening.(stay)
	17/A kettle is used for.water.(boil)
	18/He’s working too hard.He’s too tired.anything when he gets home. (do )
	19/The robber forced the manager.the safe.(open)
	20/I brother in Australia.(visit)
F/Complete each sentence with the noun corresponding to the verb given.
	*conserve	*erode	*rotate	*irrigate
	*poison	*swamp	*wipe	*pollute
	*safeguard	*preserve	*prevent	*waste
	1/Farmers are happy because they have a newirrigationsystem.
	2/She was horrified by all the .on the beach.
	3/Energyis a problem throughout the world.
	4/The paintings were in an excellent state of..
	5/Please give the table mats a quick.
	6/The scientist talked about theof the coastline by the sea.
	7/He died of blood.last year.
	8/.is better than cure.
	9/The chairmanship of the committee changes in
	10/We have found a way ofour money.
	11/The hunter was lost in the.
	12/Doing such a thing is a ..of time.
	*explore	*supply	*produce	*educate
	*protect	*provide	*publish	*prepare
	*equip	*train	*solve	*decide
	13/Please decide what you want to do.You must make adecision
	14/Most of the earth has been explored.Now we are in the age of space., searching for more information about the stars and other planets.
	15/The secretary ordered paper, pens and other .for the office.
	16/Did you bring all the sports..for our picnic?
	17/Mexico’s..of oil is higher this year than last year.
	18/.is very important for everyone.
	19/ “Newsweek” is a popular.
	20/The police provivefor the people in a country.
	21/Explorers have to take a lot of..with them.
	22/You have to train to be a police officer. is necessary.
	23/It is difficult to give a speech without
	24/This is a complicated problem and I can’t find the..
G/Rewrite these sentences , beginning with the words given.
	1/We can avoid waiting by booking the tickets in advance.
	2/Jane spends three hours sorting out her stamps.
	-It takes.
	3/He never comes to class late.
	4/You are too young to ride a motor-cycle.
	-you are not.
	5/It is dangerous to drive fast.
	6/This test is very difficult!
	7/English is a language spoken all over the world.
	-English is.
	8/They have to change the date of meeting again.
	-The date.
	9/It was so late that nothing could be done.
	-It was too.
	10/I didn’t go out because it rained.
H/Supply the correct verb tense.
1/Mary(have).to go to New York last week, but she almost(miss). the plane.She (stand).. in the queue at the check-in desk when she suddenly(realize).that she (leave).her passport at home. Fortunately, she(not live)..very far from the airport so she (have)time to go to get the passport.She(get)back to the airport just in time for her flight.
2/The clock(strike).four as she (reach)...her flat.She (light) a final cigarette and (sit).. at her dressing-table thinking of the party she (leave)an hour before.She would have been home much earlier but she(have).difficulty in finding a taxi at that late hour.Reflecting that if she didn’t go to bed quickly, she would feel dreadful at work the next day, she(put).down her cigarette, (undress)quickly, and (get).into bed.She (fall).. asleep at once.
	3/When I (come).to see them last night, they(play).chess.They (say)..they(play).since 7 o’clock.
	4/This morning when I (get) the station,I (learn)that the train I had expected to get (leave)..ten minutes before. The station-master(tell) that the time-tables(be)..altered the previous week.
	5/He (give).me back the book two days ago,(thank)me for lending it to him and (say)that he(enjoy) very much, but I (know)..that he (not read)it because most of the pages(be)still uncut.
	6/The man(teach) this school since 1985.Before he(come).here , he(live) Hue.Now he(live) the suburbs and (come)to school every day on his bicycle.
I/Complete each sentence with the missing prepositions.
	1/We walked ..townSunday morning.
	2/That bad boy threw dog.
	3/They arrived.the United States last year.
	4/The boy left his bycycle leaning..the wall.
	5/Next month, I am going to Scotland .a holiday.
	6/The building
	7/They prefer beef..pork.
	8/Don’t worry. I will protect you.harm.
	9/What’s the
	10/She reminds methe girl I was .school.. .
J/Read the passage carefully.
	Forests are useful to Man in several ways. Wood is always necessary for building and making all kinds of things and we usually need firewood in our home.Forest provide timber, one of the mot valuable resources but they must be used wisely and managed carefully. Men should control the cutting of trees in such a way that the forest grows more trees than it would be cut.Trees and shrubs are also needed to preserve land because their roots bind the soil, preventing heavy rain from washing the soil away.
	Make up questions and answer them.
	1/Why / forests / useful / Man ?
	2/How / we / control / cutting of trees?
	3/Trees and shrubs / needed / preserve land ? Why ?

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  • docENGLISH 12.doc