30 Đề thi học kì I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 (Có đáp án)

30 Đề thi học kì I môn Tiếng Anh Lớp 12 (Có đáp án)

Fill in the blanks with the most suitable word

The Korean education system basically consists of primary schools,(1 ) _____ schools, high schools, and colleges( 2 ) ______ universities, with graduate courses leading to Ph.D. degrees. (3) ______ education is compulsory for children aged six( 4 ) _____ eleven. The basic primary school curriculum is generally divided into eight (5 ) _____ the Korean language, social studies, science, ______ (6), ethics, physical education, music and fine arts. Students in secondary schools are required to take a number (7 ) _____ additional subjects, such as English, and can take electives, ( 8 ) ______ as technical or vocational courses. Afterwards, students can (9) ______ between general education and vocational high schools. ( 10 ) _______ general, high school tends to be strict, as college and university admission is very competitive.


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BỘ ĐỀ THI HỌC KÌ 1 LỚP 12 NĂM 2020 - 2021
Đề kiểm tra tiếng Anh 12 học kì 1 có đáp án - Đề số 1
A. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable word
The Korean education system basically consists of primary schools,(1 ) _____ schools, high schools, and colleges( 2 ) ______ universities, with graduate courses leading to Ph.D. degrees. (3) ______ education is compulsory for children aged six( 4 ) _____ eleven. The basic primary school curriculum is generally divided into eight (5 ) _____ the Korean language, social studies, science, ______ (6), ethics, physical education, music and fine arts. Students in secondary schools are required to take a number (7 ) _____ additional subjects, such as English, and can take electives, ( 8 ) ______ as technical or vocational courses. Afterwards, students can (9) ______ between general education and vocational high schools. ( 10 ) _______ general, high school tends to be strict, as college and university admission is very competitive.
1. A. second 
B. secondary 
C. among 
D. half
2. A. as 
B. or 
C. but 
D. so
3. A. Primary 
B. High 
C. College 
D. University
4. A. from 
B. for 
C. with 
D. to
5. A. subjects 
B. courses 
C. topics 
D. titles
6. A. mathematician 
B. mathematics
C. mathematically 
D. mathematical
7. A. of 
B. with 
C. for 
D. to
8. A. so 
B. such
C. like 
D. alike
9. A. choose 
B. test 
C. wish 
D. consist
10. A. On
B. In 
C. Of 
D. For do
B Đọc kỹ bài khoá và chọn phương án đúng ứng với A B C hoặc D 
Almost all the energy on the earth comes from the sun. Heat from the sun makes the earth warm enough for life. Plants use the sun's energy to live and grow. Plants give off a gas called oxygen. Animals eat plants and breathe oxygen. Animals need plants in order to live, and plants need the sun. You use plants to create heat and energy. You can burn wood from trees. You can burn fossil fuels called coal, gas, and oil. Fossil fuels formed deep underground from plants and animals that died millions of years ago.
The sun's energy can also do harm. Too much sunlight can burn your skin, causing sunburn. Harmful rays from the sun can also cause a disease called skin cancer. Looking right at the sun can harm your eyes. You need to be careful of the sun. The center of the sun is called the core, which is extremely hot. All the energy of the sun comes from the nuclear reactions in its core. It takes a long time for the energy from the core to reach the surface of the earth - about 170,000 years!
11. According to the passage, the sun is vital because ______ .
A. it has its hot core
B. plants live and grow better with the sun's energy
C. plants, animals and people need energy from the sun
D. fossil fuels will be used up and people turn to the sun's energy
12. Fossil fuels formed deep underground from______ .
A. heat from the sun
B. earth and rock
C. oil and gas
D. dead plants and animals
13. The title for this passage could be
A. "Energy from the Sun"
B. "Oxygen and Plants"
C. "Animals and Plants"
D. "The Sun and Fossil Fuels"
14. Harmful rays from the sun may cause ____________ .
A. fever
B. skin cancer
C. pain
D. headache
15. All of the following statements are NOT true EXCEPT
A. the sun's heat does no harm to people
B. looking right at the sun is a way to make your eyes better
C. the sun is a long way from the Earth 
D. the center of the sun is not very hot
Fill in the blanks with the most suitable word
A food chain is the way energy goes from one living thing to another through food. Plants are the first (16) _______ in most food chains. Plants use the energy in sunlight to make their own food. Plants store the energy in their leaves and stems. Plants are called primary producers in food chains. Animals eat the plants (17) _______ use the Sun's energy to grow. Animals are called (18) _______. Animals that eat plants are primary consumers. Animals that eat other animals are secondary consumers. Animals store the energy in their bodies. Energy flows (19) _______ plants and bigger animals through the steps of eating and being eaten. Each part of the food chain is directly connected to the other, just (20) _______ the links in a chain.
16.A. step B. foot C. run D. leg
17.A. when B. what C. that D. then
18.A. buyers B. shoppers C. sellers D. consumers
19.A. in B. from C. for D. till
20.A. as B. alike C. similar D. like
D Choose the best answer 
21. Not only ________ but also ________ the computer.
A. could he type, could he operate
B. could he type, he could operate
C. he could type, could he operate
D. he could type, he could operate
22. He was so careful that not a single mistake _________ in the test.
A. he made
B. he had ever made
C. did he make
D. he ever made
23. It was not until ___________ that ___________ .
A. did mother satisfy his needs, Joe went to bed
B. mother satisfied his needs, did Joe go to bed
C. mother satisfied his needs, Joe went to bed
D. did mother satisfy his needs, did Joe go to bed
24. Little __________ years ago that I would be sitting here today as a chief engineer.
A. I thought
B. did I think
C. I did think
D. thought I
25. Which sentence is wrong?
A. I have three pens, they are all in my pencil box.
B. I have three pens, and they are all in my pencil box.
C. I have three pens, which are all in my pencil box.
D. I have three pens. They are all in my pencil box.
26. The flower smells_________ .
A. pleased
B. sweetly
C. sweetness
D. pleasant
27. _________used to be an orphanage here, but we can't find it now.
A. There
B. There was
C. It
D. It was
28. _________no need to tell him all about it.
A. It is
B. It has
C. There has
D. There is
29. A teacher is_________ correct.
A. not necessary always
B. necessary not always
C. necessarily not always
D. not necessarily always
30. There are many __________in our library.
A. old American interesting history books
B. interesting old American history books 
C. interesting American old history books
D. American interesting old history books
31. Alice is proud of having _________bed.
A. an old beautiful Chinese wooden
B. a beautiful old Chinese wooden 
C. a beautiful Chinese old wooden
D. a beautiful old wooden Chinese
32. The _________ student standing at the gate speaks very good Chinese.
A. tall young American
B. young tall American
C. American tall young
D. American young tall
33. _______________ came from the second-hand bookstore.
A. All these old stories
B. These all old stories
C. All old these stories
D. These old all stories
34. Those who participated in the experiment had to remain_______ all night.
A. awaken
B. awake
C. awaked
D. awoken
35. We have not had_________ as this for many weeks.
A. so cold a day
B. how cold a day
C. a day so cold
D. a such cold day
36. Radio _________in our life.
A. widely is used
B. is used widely
C. is widely used
D. is wide used
37. There was_________ to weight the elephant.
A big enough nothing
B. big nothing enough
C. nothing big enough
D. nothing enough big
38. He sent her a _________shirt as a birthday present.
A. Chinese fine silk
B. fine silk Chinese
C. silk fine Chinese
D. fine Chinese silk
39.Only after she got off the bus, ______ that _____ her handbag on the seat.
A. she found she had lost
B. did she find/ had she lost
C. did she realize, she had left
D. she realized/ had she left
40. _________my eyes when I began to imagine the most fantastic shapes.
A. Not until I closed
B. No sooner had I closed
C. Hardly did I close
D. Scarcely had I closed
41. The weight of the moon is only about _________ of that of the earth.
A. one of eighty
B. one-eightieth
C. one of eighties
D. one the eightieth
42- Have you got everything ready for the meeting? Yes, but we need _____ .
A. three other chairs
B. other three chairs
C. another three chairs
D. three another chairs
43. His suggestion sounded ___________ but nobody agreed to it.
A. reasonable
B. reasonably
C. unreasonably
D. unreasonable
44. He _______ at half past six, but now he _______ at five.
A. used to get up / is used to getting up
B.was used to getting up / used to get up
C. used to getting up / is used to get up
D.was used to get up / used to getting up
45._______ English is as important as _______ exercises in English.
A.Spoken/ written
B. Speaking / written
C.Spoken / writing
D. Speak / write
46.The hotel ___ now beside the park was designed by a group of young men.
A. being built
B. to be built
C. built
D. building
47. All of us were _______ by the _______ questions _______by a six- year-old boy.
A. puzzled / puzzling / rose
B. puzzling / puzzled / raised
C. puzzled / puzzling / raised
D. puzzled / puzzled / lifted
48.It was so cold that they kept the fire _______ all night.
A. to burn
B. burn
C. burning
D. burned
49. His new job as a school principal has kept him ________ .
A. to be fully occupied
B. fully occupying
C. being fully occupied
D. fully occupied
50. Impressed as we were by the new cinema, we found it rather expensive.
A. We were very impressed by the new cinema, but found it rather expensive.
The new cinema was more expensive than we expected.
We weren’t as much impressed by the new cinema’s look as its coast.
We were not impressed by the new cinema at all because it looked rather expensive.
Đề thi tiếng Anh học kì 1 lớp 12 có đáp án - Đề số 2
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.
Question 1.
A. imagined
B. constructed
C. fascinated
D. rewarded
Question 2.
A. roof
B. groom
C. school
D. floor
Choose the word that has a different stress pattern.
Question 3.
A. request
B. tutor
C. lecture
D. language
Question 4.
A. responsible
B. academic
C. understanding
D. economic
Choose the best answer to each of the following questions or do as directed.
Question 5. Jack finds that Daisy dances very well. - Jack: “You are a great dancer!” - Daisy: “______”
A. Certainly, I am.
B. Yes, of course.
C. Thanks. I do think so.
D. It’s nice of you to say so.
Question 6. Kim failed the driving test again. - Kim: “Failed again, I’m afraid.” - You: “______”
A. Well, good luck.
B. Oh, hard luck.
C. Lucky you.
D. I’m not sure.
Question 7. ______ 25th APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting officially opened in Da Nang on Nov. 11, 2017.
A. An
B. A
C. The
D. Ø
Question 8. Remember to say goodbye ______ the interviewer before leaving the interview.
A. with
B. at
C. for
D. to
Question 9. Martha graduated ______ high school two years ago.
A. from
B. with
C. in
D. at
Question 10. The businesswoman ______ combines her career with family life.
A. success
B. successfully
C. succeed
D. successful
Question 11. Maths, Literature and English are ______ subjects in Vietnam.
A. compulsory
B. educational
C. parallel D. optional
Question 12. The job applicant appeared relaxed and ______ before the interview.
A. nervous
B. stressed
C. bored
D. confident
Question 13. It is considered ______ in many cultures to whistle to a waiter to draw his attention.
A. ... undergraduates. When they take their degree we say they graduate, and then they are called graduates. If they continue studying at university after they have graduated, they are called post- graduates.
Full time university students spend all their free time studying. They have no other employment. Their course usually lasts for three or four years. Medical students have to follow a course lasting for six or seven years. Then they graduate as doctors. In Britain, full–time university students have three terms of about ten weeks in each year. During these terms they go to lectures or they study by themselves. Many students become members of academic societies ands sports clubs and take part in their activities. Between the university terms they have vacations (or holiday periods). Their vacations are long, but of course they can use them to study at home.
Students who continue studying at university after having graduated are called ________.
	A. undergraduates	B. postgraduates	C. graduates	D. pre – graduates
Between the university terms, students have their ________.
	A. tests	B. vacations	C. practice time	D. employment
 The phrase “by themselves” means _________.
	A. on their own	B. lonely	C. alone	D. A&C
Which of the following is NOT correct ?
	A. Full time university students don’t have other employment.
	B. Medical students spend six or seven years studying at university.
	C. A university course usually lasts for three or four years.
	D. Students in Britain have no holiday periods.
ĐỀ 25
Choose the word whose main stress syllable is different from that of the rest.
A. university	B. calendar	C. problem	D. hospital
A. attitude	B. profession	C. disaster	D. competitor 
A. attraction	B. argument	C. decision	D. employment
Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest.
A. conflict	B. strike 	C. think	D. single
A. economics	B. photographs	C. applicants	D. details
Choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the sentence. 
The teacher told his students _______laughing.
	A. stop	B. to stop	C. stopping	D. stopped
We can communicate not only through words but also through _______.
	A. behaviour	B. spoken language	C. thinking	D. body language
People _______the rise in oil prices for the big increase in inflation.
	A. asked	B. said	C. wondered	D. blame
In many cultures, people signify their agreement by _______their head. 
	A. nodding	B. turning	C. pointing	D. raising
Peter : " Would you like to have dinner with me?" -Ann : "______________."
	A. Yes, it is	B. That's a good idea	C. Yes, I'd love to	D. Yes, so do I
The wedding day was _______chosen by the parents of the groom.
	A. careless	B. carefully	C. careful	D. carelessly
I had a road accident when I _______a phone call in the car.
	A. was making	B. have made	C. made	D. am making
_______he gets here soon, we will have to start the meeting without him. 
	A. Because	B. In case	C. If	D. Unless
I don’t suppose you like pineapples, _______?
	A. did you	B. don't you	C. do you	D. will you
A _______is an official document that you receive when you have completed a course of study or training.
	A. subject	B. level	C. certificate	D. grade
If I had studied harder at school, I _______successful in my life.
	A. have been	B. would be	C. would have been	D. will have been
A curriculum that ignores ethnic tensions, racial antagonisms, cultural _______and religious differences is pot relevant. 
	A. barriers	B. diversity	C. levels 	D. contacts
This room _______since I was born.
	A. has been painted	B. Painted	C. was pained	D. has painted
Up to now, we _______a lot of information about her.
	A. will have learnt	B. learnt	C. have learnt	D. would learn
All bottles _______before transportation.
	A. have frozen	B. froze	C. were frozen	D. will freeze
The academic year in Vietnam is over _______the end _______May.
	A. in/in	B. at/in	C. at/of	D. in/by
They took her to the hospital, _______is only a mile away.
	A. that	B. in that	C. which	D. where
It rained heavily, _______I couldn’t come to see you yesterday.
	A. so	B. and	C. if	D. but
In the past the trip _______very rough and often dangerous, but things _______a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years.
	A. is/changed	B. would be/had changed	C. has been/ changed	D. was/have changed
You are old enough. I think it's high time you _______ for a job
	A. apply	B. applied	C. will apply	D. are applying
Jim: “ This dictionary is for you. I hope you will find it useful.” Mai : " ______________."
	A. Thanks. I’ll do it	B. Thanks. It’s very kind of you 
	C. Yes, please	D. No problem!
In Britain women usually retire _______the age of 60. 
	A. at	B. on	C. by	D. in
Sometimes she does not agree _______her husband about child rearing but they soon find the solutions.
	A. with	B. by	C. on	D. at
I regret_______you that your application form has been denied.
	A. informing	B. to inform	C. inform	D. to have informed
John is _______only child in his family, so his parents love him a lot.
	A. no article	B. the	C. a	D. an
Read the passage carefully and choose the best option A, B, C or D to answer. 
The American education system requires that students complete 12 years of primary and secondary education prior to attending university or college. This may be accomplished either at public or government-operated schools, or at private schools. These 12 years of schooling or their equivalent may also be completed outside the USA, thus giving foreign students the opportunity to pursue the benefits of the American education system and obtain a quality American education. Perhaps one of the most impressive facts is that a large number of presidents, prime ministers and leaders from other countries have experienced the American education system and graduated from a university or school in the USA. In many fields and industries, the American education system offers the most cutting-edge, sought-after programs at the world's best schools. That is why graduating from an accredited American school and being exposed to the rigors of the American education system is an investment in your future. 
Whether you want to study at a top USA university, a top USA college, a vocational or high school, a thorough understanding of how the American education system works is essential. Without a clear grasp of the American education system, an international student will find it difficult to make the right academic choices. It is no surprise that the American education system and the American school system host more international students than any other country in the world!
The expression government-operated could best be replaced by _______.
	A. state	B. independent	C. boarding	D. vocational
According to the text, students in the USA _______.
	A. are not necessarily take primary and secondary education in the country
	B. are made to take primary and secondary education in the country
	C. spend less than 12 years for primary and secondary education
	D. needn't take primary and secondary education
What is the writer's advice?
	A. International students should have a thorough understanding of how the American education system works before going there to study.
	B. International students should not study at a top USA university, a top USA college, a vocational or high school.
	C. International students should not invest their future education in the US.
	D. Without a clear grasp of the American education system, an international student can make the right academic choices.
The writer _______the US education.
	A. appreciates	B. overstates 	C. underestimates 	D. dislikes
Which sentence is true?
	A. There are not many foreign students in the US.
	B. Many leaders all over the world have studied in the US.
	C. Foreign students are not offered opportunities in the US.
	D. The US education is not good enough for foreign students.
Choose the sentence that has the same meaning as the original one.
I regret not paying much attention to the lecture.
	A. I wish I had paid less attention to the lecture.
	B. I wish I had been more attentive to the lecture.
 	C. I wish I had not paid more attention to the lecture. 
 	D. I wish I had paid more attentive to the lecture. 
I’ll let you borrow the book but you must promise to return it next week.
	A. If you promise to return the book, I let you borrow it.
	B. If you promise to return the book next week, I’ll let you borrow it.
	C. If you promise to return the book next week, I won’t let you borrow it.
	D. If you promised to return the book, I’ll let you borrow it.
I didn’t know you were coming, so I didn’t wait for you.
	A. Had I know you were coming, I would have waited for you.
	B. I would have waited for you if I knew you were coming.
	C. If I had known you were coming, I would wait for you.
	D. If I had known you were coming, I would have waited for you.
 “ Do you watch television every evening, Jane?”, said Peter.
	A. Peter asked Jane if she’d watched TV every evening.
	B. Peter asks Jane if does she watch TV every evening.
	C. Peter asked Jane if she watched TV every evening.
	D. Peter asked Jane did she watch TV every evening.
My parents made me study hard when I was young.
	A. My parents made me study hard when they were young.
	B. My parents wanted me to study hard when I was young.
	C. I was made me to study hard by my parents when I was young.
	D. My parents always forced me to study hard.
Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting.
It is difficult telling you all of these discoveries.
	A	B	C	D
I spend many money to buy musical instruments
	A	B	C	D
My uncle lived in Hanoi since 1990 to 1998, but he is now living in Hue.
	A	B	C	D
Mai often arrives at the office at nine o’clock, but because the storm, she was late this morning.
	A	B	C	D
If you drank less, you will feel much better. 
	A	B	C	D
Read the passage and choose the best option A, B, C or D to complete the passage. 
Many people think that we can learn a lot about the culture of a foreign country simply by living in that culture. (46)______, this is not necessarily true. Often the longer we stay in a foreign country, the more we realize how little we actually know (47)______the culture of that country. Books and talks about other’s people culture can even be dangerous because they concentrate on cultural (48)______and exaggerate national characteristics; sometimes there is a lot of information (49)______content is untrue.
In a survey recently carried out in Britain, people were asked (50)______a list of anything which they thought was typical of Britain and would interest foreign visitors there. Most of them mentioned Shakespeare, the queen, village inns, English folk dancing,football hooligans, umbrellas, English castles, cricket, and fish and chips.
A. So 	B. Although 	C. Unless 	D. However
A. about 	B. with 	C. of	D. for
A. conflicts	B. differences	C. benefits	D. advantages
A. whose 	B. which 	C. where	D. that
A. to make	B. to do 	C. to create	D. to write	

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